Monday, 15 July 2013

The Dairy: Old Town Charm

Let's talk about The Dairy in Clapham... This innovative modern European restaurant is one of the latest openings in Clapham, in prime location neighbouring the Common in Old Town.

I loved everything about my meal at The Dairy, but I sit asking myself why after a 5 star review in Metro, near on four months after opening people still haven’t realised this restaurant is set to be a big deal. I certainly perked up my ears when it first opened just by reading Robin Gill's credentials and about his contemporary style The Dairy would adopt.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Patty and Bun: a great pair

The list of trendy burger places in London is growing steadily which often makes it hard to differentiate the MeatLiquors to the Shake Shacks and Honests around town.

Patty and Bun stands out from its contemporaries. The menu is  just creative enough, offering a nice variety in style with the Smokey Robinson, Lambshank Redemption and Hot Chick chicken burger all offering something completely different.