Sunday, 11 July 2010

Dear Penpal

I love stationary, in fact I have a minor stationary obsession, kiki-k, smiggle, give it all to me :)

Last week, trawling through the goodness google had to offer on all things stationary I stumbled across's Perpal Project! I jumped with giddy excitement. I love receiving things in the post, oh how opening letters makes me smile especially letters from someone other than Ashley at my bank.

I jumped at the opportunity to dive right in and hop to writing some snail mail. I am super excited to receive my first letter from Paula in Spain and can't wait to get penciling to Sandhya in India and Katrina in California!

Image by suburbanpenpal

1 comment:

  1. i found you through that website, email me at if you want to exchange letters (:

    ps., love your blog!
